MusicTech Focus
I’m enjoying MusicTech Focus - a series of popular “in-depth guide(s) for the creative musician” written and compiled by MusicTech Magazine’s mastering experts. A little pricey at £8.99, but then they do include DVDs of files and examples. They’ll be a useful set of guides for students of music technology but no substitute for hands on experience. They’ll probably have a limited shelf life as they’re dependent on application versions available today.
Hens and Ducks
John's iPhone Blog
I'm now keeping an iPhone blog for when I'm out and about. This is fed by posting on Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed and Mobypicture and is a very convenient way of sharing photos, audio and thoughts.
iKEY Plus - USB Audio Recorder
This iKEY Plus from looks like a great budget entry level device for recording digital audio.
The reactable is a collaborative electronic music instrument with a tabletop tangible multi-touch interface. Several simultaneous performers share complete control over the instrument by moving and rotating physical objects on a luminous round table surface. By moving and relating these objects, representing components of a classic modular synthesizer, users can create complex and dynamic sonic topologies, with generators, filters and modulators, in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or graspable flow-controlled programming language.
Have a look at the Webwag Blog It has the feel of iPhone applications but without the interface or design.
Webwag displays widgets on the phone and synchronises them:
- clock
- weather
- Flickr
- RSS feeds
- Gmail
The synchronisation can be set to every half-hour but no more often. The display is full resolution.
BT Broadband
The SoundJunction website's all about music. You can take music apart and find out how it works, create music yourself, find out how other people make music and how they perform it, you can find out about musical instruments, and look at the backgrounds to different musical styles.
Check out the New Tool for making music.
SoundJunction is an initiative of the ABRSM and has received a BETT award for Digital Content at Secondary Level.
The first sessions I've done with Richard have been in a school in Coventry encouraging school children to make music using technology. The school currently has Cubase VST running on Windows, or rather not running. There were problems with the signal routing and drivers, file management and other annoying obstacles to getting on with making music. After 2 lessons of having difficulty getting their Windows computers to work, we switched to using GarageBand - see QuickTime tour here and Within seconds we were making music with the children particpating as a group composing a song. We resolved then to research the possibility of implementing the use of Apple computers and software in our future sessions.
- More Musicate photos at Flickr here
- Introduction to GarageBand - Wikiversity