21/11/06 10:30 Filed in: Technology
I've recently joined the team at Musicate to offer Music Technology and composition sessions to their clients.
The first sessions I've done with Richard have been in a school in Coventry encouraging school children to make music using technology. The school currently has Cubase VST running on Windows, or rather not running. There were problems with the signal routing and drivers, file management and other annoying obstacles to getting on with making music. After 2 lessons of having difficulty getting their Windows computers to work, we switched to using GarageBand - see QuickTime tour here and Within seconds we were making music with the children particpating as a group composing a song. We resolved then to research the possibility of implementing the use of Apple computers and software in our future sessions.
- More Musicate photos at Flickr here
- Introduction to GarageBand - Wikiversity
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